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Chess software for fun

svētdiena, 2016. gada 17. janvāris


There are generated chess checkmate positions
(as result of software development, testing, etc., generator tool CM various versions, with source and binaries for windows/linux)

- only one first move solution
- count of pieces minimal for each puzzle case

1-move 82005 mate positions - M1 zipped pgn-file
2-move 49504 mate positions - M2 zipped pgn-file
3-move 23733 mate positions - M3 zipped pgn-file
4-move mate only 363 positions - M4 zipped pgn-file or brow-160

Added: feb.2022 a new CM4 searcher that finds puzzles like this. M4, moves

1..Be3, then Nd4, Rb6 to #... 

8/2pppp2/2r5/2pbk3/5p2/5P2/2Kbn3/8 b

As samples, M2, M3 checkmate puzzles

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